Competition Law, Distribution Law and Consumer Law

Commercial Law

Law relating to White Collar Crime

International Commercial Law

Intellectual Property Law

Real estate Law

Tax law and customs law

Tax law
Taxation of individuals
• advice and assistance in income tax, land incomes, in wealth tax (ISF), in rights of donation and estates, filling of mandatory fiscal statements; contacts with the relevant tax administration
• wealth optimization
• assistance with respect to tax audit
• assistance in relation to court actions and appeals before administrative committees and courts
Taxation of companies
• taxation of the restructuring of companies (mergers, creation of subsidiaries …)
• taxation of acquisitions at the level of the seller or purchaser
• tax due diligence with respect to restructurings and acquisitions of companies
• assistance with tax audit
• assistance in relation to court actions and appeals before committees and competent courts
Customs law
• advice and assistance to importers and exporters in their relations with customs, customs agents and brokers
• assistance before customs committees and with respect to customs audits
• advice in French and European Union regulations
• assistance before civil and criminal courts with respect to customs litigations

Company law

Mergers and acquisitions

Banking and finance law

Transportation law and automobile law

Family law